News of the Week (30 November – 6 December)
Dec, 2020

News of the Week (30 November – 6 December)

1) Russia Will Recognize Bitcoin as Property with Legal Protection

Russian Prime Minister Mihail Mishutin announced that Russia plans to transform the existing laws as Bitcoin will be recognized as property. This means that users will have the right to defend issues regarding the cryptocurrency in court.


2) Central Bankers in Europe are not in Rush with Digital Currency

According to a digital panel with different participants from Eurozone Central Banks, the digital currency will be designed and released in 5 years.


3) Coinbase Executed the MicroStrategy’s Purchase

One of the largest Bitcoin purchases in 2020 ($425 million) was executed from Coinbase Pro, a crypto exchange and didn’t happen over the counter, while it took 5 days to be completed.


4) Visa and BlockFi Offer Credit Card with Bitcoin Rewards

The two companies issue a credit card that reward its users with Bitcoin, and not miles or cash


5) Crypto Indices will Launch from 2021 from S & P Dow Jones

The largest provider for financial indices and data will launch new indices from 2021, that will present the crypto market.