News of the Week (8-15 November)
Nov, 2020

News of the Week (8-15 November)

1. United Kingdom Tests the Stablecoin Scenario

In the next period, the UK Central Bank will test the stablecoin issue scenario


2. Bayern Munich Enters the Blockchain Game

Sorare, an Ethereum-based game, adds another big team in its assets as Bayern Munich claims rights on the game.


3. Lebanon Prepares to Release a Digital Currency in 2021

Another central bank gets ready to pass on the digital era, giving the opportunity to citizens for new freedom in economic transactions.


4. Deutsche Bank Report : Central Banks’ Cryptocurrencies Will Replace Cash

The research urges EU to accelerate the adoption process for digital currencies as a way to promote economic development


5. A Solution for Governments to Handle Crypto Cases from Chainalysis

The company has helped US government to handle cases for crypto fraud and illegal activities.