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Algorand Offers $ 43 Million for Blockchain Research
Apr, 2020

Algorand Offers $ 43 Million for Blockchain Research

Algorand will offer 250 million ALGO (almost $ 43 million) to promote its blockchain development.


Algorand’s vision for “borderless economy” will become a reality through four pillars, where the funding will be based :

  1. Innovative research
  2. Development tools for Algorand’s blockchain
  3. New use cases for DApps (decentralized applications)
  4. Education and community initiatives


Some application examples are protocol development for payments, social media integration, digital identities, supply chain management, and asset tokenization.


Three projects have already received funding from Algorand (Bloq, PureStake AlgoSigner and Reach) while every project can receive funding up to 2 million ALGO (around $ 350,000).


Algorand is the latest from different cryptocurrencies that offer research grants for blockchain development like Celom Ark and Tezos.


You can apply by clicking here.