Bankera launches crypto – based loan platform
Bankera launches a new service for crypto – based loans, through its subsidiary Bankera Loans. The goal of the new initiative is the flexible and safe funding from $ 1 to $ 1million. Crypto users will be able to access the financial system, through an easy and quick way, without the liquidation of their various crypto assets.
The platform can be used from privates and enterprises and tries, according to the company, to cover the need that many crypto - loans companies tend to overcome smaller amount of loan requested from them. The micro funding or micro finance is a common practice in alternative banking, especially in developing economies, where enterprise funding from traditional banking does not exist. Bankera tries to fill this gap with its new service, giving the chance to private to access cash or enterprises to leverage their assets for further expansion.
The process for loan approval is rather simple. The user creates a wallet in Bankera, where it transfers the cryptocurrencies that he own as a deposit. The deposit will be used as a collateral for the future loans. The platform supports Euro, Tether, Bitcoin, DASH, Ethereum and NEM. The rates will be around 6 % while the repayment period will extend from 1 to 24 months (2 years). The repayments can be paid at any time while the interests will be debited automatically from user’s account.