SEC Takes a Step Back
Feb, 2025

SEC Takes a Step Back

The Capital Market Commission was one of the first institutions to prioritize legislation around cryptos and the legal framework within which crypto service providers, investors and individuals should operate.


Its stance has now changed for the better and this is evident from its actions in the market. The latest event is the dissolution of the committee that dealt exclusively with crypto scams and its inclusion in the broader committee concerning Emerging Technologies.


With this admission, the Commission seems to be declassifying cryptos from a “criminal” category and placing them in a category where they really belong. From now on, cases involving such schemes will go from there.


As we see, the acceptance of cryptos is happening slowly, one step at a time….


Our company, BCASH™, is a licensed Greek company by the Hellenic Capital Market Commission (exchange license) and manufactures/operates cryptocurrency ATMs throughout Greece. One of the locations is at Athens, Greece, while you can find all the locations where our ATMs are placed at


Almost all of the spaces are private and autonomous with high-security standards. Most of the locations offer free wireless internet connection.


At BCASH™ ATMs, you can buy and sell cryptocurrencies at the best market rate, such as Bitcoin | Ethereum | USDT | Litecoin | Dash | XRP | XLM.


If you have any questions, you can contact our customer support service at +30 6987812000 & +30 6998499499 (Viber, Whatsapp, Telegram supported).