Are Ethereum ETFs are Coming ?
Apr, 2024

Are Ethereum ETFs are Coming ?

After the successful launch of Bitcoin spot ETFs in the US market, the investors have started to look for the next hot spot that could bring them the next high returns.


This seems to be the approval of new ETFs that will be based on spot prices for Ethereum, a fact that will bring more liquidity in the market.


But, this is not going to happen this May, when US SEC will bring this issue on the table. The main reasons are that Ethereum has a different nature that Bitcoin (due to the fact that DApps are based on it) and there is no special categorization if it’s a security or a currency.


On the other hand, the pressure that will be brought in the SEC for a similar move a few months ago after Bitcoin’s move, that will bring new data in the market.


We wait for more…….


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