How Long the Crypto Winter will Last ?
May, 2022

How Long the Crypto Winter will Last ?

The last news in the crypto market have made every crypto investor to wonder: When the downtrend will stop and how long will the “winter” last in the market?


Cardano founder, Charles Hoskinson, gave an answer through a tweet:


“If this is your first cryptowinter, then welcome. Been through many since 2011 and they always hit like a cold ice bath. We are in the panicked blood in the street phase. It clears in weeks to months as a bottom is found. Then a long climb up the ladder ”


What this practically means?


The crypto markets are more volatile than the traditional markets and the investors who are for years in them, have understand it well. The urge in the end is larger and larger.


We cannot surely predict when the uptrend will come but, looking in the previous data, we can see that the surge will be bigger than we are expecting…