New Highs for Bitcoin ATMs
Aug, 2022

New Highs for Bitcoin ATMs

Maybe crypto prices have been put in the ice during the last months but the crypto industry continues to blossom and produce value for the involved parties. A sector that continues to grow is this of Bitcoin ATMs.


In January 1st 2020, the total number of Bitcoin ATMs worldwide was 6,300. Today, after 2.5 years, this number has skyrocketed to 39,000 !!! Indeed, 34,000 of them are located in the USA while the rest 6,300 are spread to other 77 countries.


The issue here is that we can see some interesting cases with radical surge in countries like Canada, Spain and El Salvador. On the other hand, in heavy economies like the United Kingdom, there are only 22 Bitcoin ATMs.


Here is the deal for the next move !!