How to sell Bitcoins

The first customer who purchased pizza for Bitcoin was a programmer from Florida. It happened in May, 2010. He paid 10,000 BTC for two pizzas. At that time it was worth about £30. It was the first purchase of physical commodity for virtual money. The offer was accepted by the British user who placed the order in Papa John’s and received cryptocoins for it. At the point of writing the value of 10,000 BTC is approximately £55 million. Early adopters of the coin are very rich now and can afford buying luxury commodities at present. Despite the increased value and bigger popularity of cryptocurrency few common people still know how to buy and sell Bitcoin for cash. This opportunity would be handy for travelers, migrants, outsource employees and people who do not trust banks.

This article is helpful for folks who do not know how to cash Bitcoin.

How do usually sell your Bitcoins? Do you use the exchange or BTM? There are a lot of crypto brokers nowadays. We have a good selection of options and choose the one that suits us best. If you want to know how to sell Bitcoins for real money, you should visit one of them and place an order.  The option is available on LocalBitcoins or Coinbase. The account on the exchange is usually connected with the bank, so funds are withdrawn to it after the conversion.

Many people are interested if it is possible to sell Bitcoins anonymously. How easy is it to sell Bitcoins without disclosing your identity? As it turned out, it is rather tricky as the person still leaves digital footprints then.

BTC transactions are actually pseudo anonymous as all transactions can be tracked by the members of the public ledger.  However, the transactions are not linked to the definite person. Others see the deals but do not know whom they belong.  It is still possible to disclose IP therefore you are able to resort to identity hiding tools such as Bitcoin Mixing, or using a TOR browser for connection with cryptocurrency network.

Some crypto brokers do not require identity verification.  Customers can apply to such platforms to exchange digital currency.

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